Posts by worship1

2128 of 28 items

Right on Time

by worship1

BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHURCH Fort Worth April 5, 2020 Luke 19:33-42 Some people never seem to be on time. Some people almost always seem to be early for any appointment. Which are you? Are you characteristically late or are you almost always early for every thing you do. Sometimes it is not good to be […]

The Nearness of God

by worship1

UNJUST! NOT FAIR! HOW CAN HE GET AWAY WITH THAT! WHY CAN’T THAT BE ME? WHY DOES SHE HAVE ALL THE LUCK? IT JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! I am sure that to one degree or another, each one of us has struggled with the injustices we see in life or maybe even have experienced ourselves. […]

Psalm 139

by worship1

GLOBAL FEARS! PANDEMIC PANIC! STOCK MARKET CRISIS! POLITICAL POSTURING! NEWS MEDIA HYPE! STOCKPILING SUPPLIES! UNCERTAINTIES! Without a doubt, overwhelming concerns have gripped our nation. The Coronavirus has impacted our public and personal lives to a far greater extent than we could have imagined. To one degree or another, each one of us has some level […]

Life is Hard!

by worship1

Life is filled with difficulties, disappointments and discouragement. At times we are blindsided by the unexpected. In the midst of life’s pressures and problems, some find it hard to cope. Thankfully, God has provided us with the answer  – not only to cope with the issues we each face in life; but how to have […]

New Year 2020

by worship1

Happy New Year! Each new year is thought of as a new beginning, a time ofresolutions and great optimism. So many are hopeful that this year will bebetter than the last. For some, those hopeful expectations have already beenshattered. If there was ever a year to be sure we had perfect vision, 2020 iscertainly that […]

Resurrection Day 2019

by worship1

And the angel said to the woman: “I know you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said.” Matthew 28:5-6 Come celebrate with us the greatest event in human history. Death has lost its sting and the grave has lost its victory! Join us on […]

Understanding Islam Seminar

by worship1

Believers Fellowship Bible Church is excited to announce our upcoming seminar, Understanding Islam, March 16-17. Our speaker will be Troy Hamilton. Troy Hamilton and his wife Beth currently are living in Niceville Florida with their 3 children where Troy currently serves as the senior pastor of Rocky Bayou Baptist Church. He has spent over 15 years as an […]

Understanding Judaism Bible Conference

by worship1

Believers Fellowship Bible Church is excited to announce our upcoming Bible Conference, December 2nd-3rd. Our speaker will be Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum of Ariel Ministries. Ariel Ministries exists to evangelize Jewish people and to disciple Jewish and Gentile believers through intensive Bible teaching from a Jewish perspective. Here is an overview of the schedule: December 2nd @ […]